Cancer Support: Understanding Salvestrols

Cancer Support: Understanding Salvestrols

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates


Salvestrol® are a class of natural plant-derived compounds from food that support the body’s natural cell cycle to eliminate damaged, cancerous cells while bypassing healthy functioning cells.



To value Salvestrols, you must understand changes in our food supply and lifestyle.


Food choices and agricultural practices have transformed significantly, correlating with a rise in chronic diseases and cancer. Initially, diets were rich in whole, minimally processed foods. However, since the mid-20th century, the use of chemicals, pesticides, and GMOs has increased in food production.26

This shift also led to more processed foods high in sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, while nutrient-dense options became less common. 26

Modern food supply chains prioritize shelf life and profitability over nutrition, contributing to inflammation, obesity, metabolic disorders and cancer. 34

Additionally, environmental pollutants like microplastics and chemicals, combined with fast-paced lifestyles and increased stress, have further reduced the nutritional quality of our diets, increasing chronic diseases and cancer prevalence. 26,33, 35

“With our modern-day living, can a clean diet of raw produce and whole foods provide enough Salvestrol molecules for optimal health?”

Understanding Nesem Extracts

Plants go through different growth phases: the first is growth, and the second is flowering or fruiting. At the end of the second phase, when fruit ripens, it is attacked by pathogens. The plant produces phytonutrients as a natural defense, known as secondary plant metabolites, at the attack site. 33

Natural supplements extract these molecules, often using solvents like alcohol. NPP employs targeted supercritical or subcritical fluid extraction methods to obtain specific molecules. They extract from the pith and skin, where secondary metabolites are concentrated. 33

NPP's nesem technology ensures 2000 points of Salvestrols in every capsule.

Learn more abut nesems here


Selectivity of Salvestrols

  • Salvestrol points are based on each Salvestrols selectivity.1
  • Higher selectivity means the anti-cancer agent is more toxic to cancer cells and less harmful to healthy cells.1
  • A selectivity of 1 indicates equal toxicity to both healthy and diseased cells.1
  • Testing shows Salvestrols vary in selectivity and include both lipophilic and non-lipophilic types. 1
  • Salvestrols specifically targets the CYP1B1 enzyme, highly over expressed, in cancer cells, acting as a natural prodrug, sparing healthy cells. 1



    Selectivity Score:



    = 1














    Synthetic Salvestrol




    = 23,000

    Table 1: Selectivity of different compounds, extracted from Schaefer, BA (2018) 1


    How do Salvestrols provide support for those with cancer?

    Nesem extracted Salvestrols work beyond antioxidants, they are metabolized by the CYP1B1 enzyme or protein shown to be expressed in cancer cells. Salvestrols are metabolized by the CYP1B1 enzyme which then produces metabolites that are anti-cancer agents - modulating damaged cells, driving natural healthy cell cycle and apoptosis. 1

    Potter, G. A., & Burke, M. D. (2006). Salvestrols–Natural Products with Tumour Selective Activity. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

    Understanding CYP1B1 mRNA, versus CYP1B1 enzyme

    An important distinction to understand is there is a difference between the CYP1B1 messenger RNA and the CYP1B1 enzyme (protein). Both the mRNA and enzyme are involved in gene expression and function however, the:

    1. The CYP1B1 protein performs metabolic functions in the body and is found in all cancer cells tested to date including all stages of cancer from precancerous dysplastic cells, primary cancer cells and metastases of the cancer cells. 1
    2. For most CYP450 enzymes looking for and finding the mRNA will be predictive of the presence of the enzyme but this is not the case for the CYP1B1 enzyme. 1
    3. The CYP1B1 enzyme is not found in healthy functioning cells, it has shown only to be found in damaged/cancer cells but the mRNA CYP1B1 is found in both cancer and healthy cells. 1
    4. If researching the CYP1B1 protein you need to ensure you are searching for the enzyme itself and not mRNA CYP1B1. 1
    5. The CYP1B1 enzyme has a lifecycle of approximately three days, leading to the replacement of each enzyme with a new one within this time frame. 1

    What is the recommended dose of Salvestrols for cancer support? 

    Initial loading dose:

      • 6 capsules a day on an empty stomach in split dosing.
        • 4 capsules on waking, empty stomach
        • 2 capsules, three hours later
        • Salvestrols reach peak concentration in the body approximately 3-4 hours after taking the initial dose, second dose is recommended 3 hours after the initial dose, enabling therapeutic peak concentration to be maintained longer.
      • We advise dosing with Salvestrols before midday for greater effectiveness.
        • We recommend taking Salvestrols on waking, empty stomach to allow for greater bioavailable, however, the Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity is highest in the morning and drops off after 3 pm, which further supports the recommendation for taking Salvestrols in the morning.


      An example timeline for taking 6 capsules is:

      • 6am / 7am – wake up and take 4 capsules **
      • 6:30-7:30am – medications/breakfast
      • 9am / 10am – take 2 capsules **
      • Midday onwards – supplements other medications

        ** take with 500-1000mg of Vitamin C with one or both doses of Salvestrols


        Figure: Target Therapeutic Concentration of Salvestrols

        Vitamin C supports the activity of Salvestrols, through its antioxidant and electron-donating ability, working synergistically with Salvestrols.1,29


        Use with Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy

        There are no contraindications on using Salvestrols alongside conventional treatment – Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy. Also of note are Salvestrols are not antioxidants. 1,27,28

        In one study patients taking Salvestrols alongside chemotherapy or radiotherapy reported improvements in overall survival and ECOG performance status indicating better health outcomes and quality of life.25,27,28

        Salvestrols in combination with chemotherapy can moderate cardiovascular risk, side effects due to salvestrols high affinity for the CYP1B1 enzyme preventing the metabolism of chemotherapy agents and their toxic metabolites which potentially cause cardiovascular complications and secondary cancers, improving quality of life.27,28


        Use with pharmaceutical

        There are no known contraindications with pharmaceuticals, if medications such as thyroxin need to be taken in the morning, we recommend having the first dose of Salvestrols, then have the medication 30minutes later. Any medications that do not have to be taken in the morning can either be separated by 30 minutes or moved to be taken in the afternoon.

        Those with high Blood Pressure may notice a slight drop in BP, but this will normalize within a few days.


        Use with supplements

        If taking additional supplements, we recommend taking these from lunchtime onwards or in the case of CYP1B1 inhibitors such as B17, CBD, resveratrol etc we recommend taking these late afternoon or evening when the concentration of Salvestrols are decreasing. 1,25

        Supporting excessive inflammatory response in cancer patients can lead to better health outcomes.


        What is “all clear” mean?

        When you have cancer and get the ‘’all clear’’ after undergoing treatment there is an increased concern for secondary cancer diagnosis. So what does ‘’all clear’’ really mean?

        When someone with cancer gets the “all clear” it is important that they maintain beneficial dietary changes and exercise to support continually clearance of damaged cells.

        We also recommend a maintenance dose of Salvestrols, between 2-4 capsules a day depending on your underlying health.  If inflammation is an on-going concern consider adding Moderaflam to support their health, 2 capsules a day. 

        Not sure if these products are suitable for you? 


        We also recommend maintaining beneficial dietary changes and exercise to support your bodies continual clearance of damaged cells.

        If you notice signs of inflammation, consider also adding Moderaflam into your regime to support the management of improved health outcomes. 24,25





          1. Schaefer, B.A. (2012). Salvestrols, Natures Defence Against Cancer: Linking Diet & Cancer. Clinical Intelligence Corp, Canada.
          2. Murray, G.I., Taylor, M.C., McFadyen, M.C., et al. Tumor-specific expression of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1. Cancer Res. (1997) 57: 3026- 3031.
          3. McFadyen, M.C., Breeman, S., Payne, S., et al. Immunohistochemical localization of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 in breast cancer with monoclonal antibodies specific for CYP1B1. J Histochem Cytochem. (1999) 47: 1457-1464.
          4. Murray, G.I., Melvin, W.T., Greenlee, W.F., et al. Regulation, function and tissue-specific expression of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. (2001) 41: 297-316.
          5. Stanley, L.A., Ball, M.T., Eaden, J., et al. Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 in the early stages of colon tumour development. Drug Metabol Rev. (2001) 33: 77.
          6. Carnell, D., Smith, R., Daley, F., et al. Target validation of cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 in prostate carcinoma with protein expression in associated hyperplastic and premalignant tissue. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. (2004) 58: 500-509.
          7. Barnett, J.A., Urbauer, D.L., Murray, G.I., et al. Cytochrome P450 1B1 expression in glial cell tumors: an immunotherapeutic target. Clin Cancer Res. (2007) 13: 3559-3567.
          8. McFadyen, M.C.E., Cruickshank, M.E., Miller, I.D., et al. Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 over-expression in primary and metastatic ovarian cancer. Br. J. Cancer. (2001) 85: 242-246.
          9. Tsuchiya, Y., Nakajima, M., Takagi, S., et al. MicroRNA regulates the expression of human cytochrome P450 1B1. Cancer Res. (2006) 66: 9090-9098.
          10. Hoang, T.T.V., Burke, M.D., Butler, P.C., et al. Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) expression in human cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Br J Cancer. (2001) 85: 78.
          11. Chang, H., Su, J., Huang, C.C., et al. Using a combination of cytochrome P450 1B1 and b-catenin for early diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer. Cancer Detect Prevent. (2005) 29: 562–569.
          12. Su, J., Lin, P., Wang, C., et al. Overexpression of cytochrome P450 1B1 in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a potential therapeutic target. Anticancer Res. (2009) 29: 509-515.
          13. Tokizane, T., Shiina, H., Igawa, M., et al. Cytochrome P450 1B1 is overexpressed and regulated by hypomethylation in prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res. (2005) 11: 5793-5801
          14. Maecker, B., Sherr, D.H., Vonderheide, R.H., et al. The shared tumor-associated antigen cytochrome P450 1B1 is recognized by specific cytotoxic T cells. Blood. (2003) 102: 3287-3294.
          15. Chang, J.T., Chang, H., Chen, P., et al. Requirement of aryl hydrocarbon receptor overexpression for CYP1B1 up-regulation and cell growth in human lung adenocarcinomas. Clin Cancer Res. (2007) 13: 38-45.
          16. Kumarakulasingham, M., Rooney, P.H., Dundas, S.R., et al. Cytochrome P450 profile of colorectal cancer: identification of markers of prognosis. Clin Cancer Res. (2005) 11: 3758-3765.
          17. Greer, M.L., Richman, P.I., Barber, P.R., et al. Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) is expressed during the malignant progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Proc Am Cancer Res. (2004) 45: Abstract #3701.
          18. Furukawa, M., Nishimura, M., Ogino, D., et al. Cytochrome P450 gene expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in comparison with the liver. Cancer Sci. (2004) 95: 520-529.
          19. Maecker, B., von Bergwelt-Baildon, M.S., Anderson, K.S., et al. Rare naturally occurring immune responses to three epitopes from the widely expressed tumour antigens hTERT and CYP1B1 in multiple myeloma patients. Clin Exptl Immunol. (2005) 141: 558-562.
          20. Nedelkov, D., Kiernan, U.A., Niederkofler, E.E., et al. Population proteomics: the concept, attributes and potential for cancer biomarker research. Mol Cell Proteomics. (2006) 5: 1811-1818.
          21. Stoeckli, M., Chaurand, P., Halahan, D.E., et al. Imaging mass spectrometry; a new technology for the analysis of protein expression in mammalian tissues. Nature Med. (2001) 7: 493-496.
          22. Alsubait, A., Aldossary, W., Rashid, M., Algamdi, A., Alrfaei, B.M. (2020). CYP1B1 gene: Implications in glaucoma and cancer. Journal of Cancer, 11(16), 4652-4661.
          23. Potter, G. A., & Burke, M. D. (2006). Salvestrols–Natural Products with Tumour Selective Activity. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.
          24. Schaefer, B. A. (2018). Salvestrols: Nature’s defense against cancer. Clinical Intelligence Inc.
          25. Naturally Pure Products. (2023). Salvestrol Clinical Guidance Document.
          28. Naturally Pure Products (2022), Salvestrols role in the utilization of CYP1B1 as a therapeutic target in cardio-oncology
          30. Tsuchiya, Y. et al., Cancer Res. 66: 9090-98 (2006)
          31. Devlin, A. et al., Mol. Carcin. 49: 190-99 (2010)
          32. Nakajima & Yokoi, Pharm. Ther. 131: 330-337 (2011)


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